Student Roost学生公寓关于COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS的政策
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收藏Across the world and here in the UK, we are each experiencing unique times, with the Coronavirus outbreak. We know this is a period of worry and many unknowns, for our residents, Team Members, and their families.
As ever, the health, safety and wellbeing of our residents and Team Members remain our highest priority. For our current residents, this is your home and we intend to do all we can to ensure it continues to feel that way.
We are working hard and doing everything we can to ensure we provide the best support we can, as the situation continues to evolve.
Student Roost commits to:
• providing helpful, reliable information or guidance.
• ensuring clean, sanitary shared areas, that helps to reduce the risk of spreading or catching the virus.
• monitoring the advice of only official bodies and government advice, to ensure any information we share is highly reliable.
• continuing to provide support to residents who feel worried or concerned about the situation.
What is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a new (novel) illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It’s caused by a virus called a coronavirus.
The main symptoms are:
• a high temperature – you feel hot to touch on your chest or back
• a new, continuous cough – this means you've started coughing repeatedly
• shortness of breath
The NHS website is the best source of information about to the virus, its symptoms and the support you may need.
Student Roost actions:
Student Roost has a full time, dedicated team in place, overseeing this situation. The team is responsible for monitoring the situation daily and for ensuring any information we share is updated to reflect changes to the situation or to the guidance.
What we’re already doing:
• We’ve increased our cleaning frequency across our property shared areas, with particular focus on contact points like entrances, lifts, door handles, social spaces, etc.
• We have paused the service of complimentary food and drink in our reception areas, as a precaution, to mitigate any risk of spread.
• We communicate regularly with our Team Members about hygiene advice and will continue to do so.
• We have and will continue to share the official public health advice for all our residents.
• We’re supporting residents who are Staying at Home (‘self-isolating’) as a precaution, and ensuring they have someone to speak to online or via the telephone.
• We are working closely with our University partners to ensure our communication is clear to students.
• We are speaking regularly with suppliers and partners to ensure any goods or services required as part of the service we provide to you are not interrupted.
• We are monitoring our staffing levels daily, in light of the increased number of people who may need to Stay at Home, to ensure we can continue to deliver the services you need.
What we’ll do when needed:
• In the event of a confirmed or suspected case in any of our properties, we will work closely with the public health bodies and take every instruction and guidance provided.
• We have specialist cleaning providers on-hand, in the event we are instructed to conduct a deep-clean of any of our spaces.
• If we need to make changes to the services we provide or to the access to your social spaces in our properties, we will communicate clearly with you, as soon as we can.
What our Residents can do:
Every one of us needs to take responsibility for our own health and hygiene. The advice from the NHS and the public health bodies in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland is below. We ask all residents and Team Members to follow this:
• wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds (as long as it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice)
• always wash your hands as soon as you get home or into University
• use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
• cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze (if you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow)
• put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
• try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
The NHS website is regularly updated with all the latest advice.
Answers to some of your questions:
We know you will have lots of questions, and we’ll do all we can to help answer these.
We’ve compiled a ‘Frequently Asked Questions ‘flipping book’ document, which you can find here.
We’ll be keeping this document updated as this situation is evolving. Please let your local property team know if you have a query that isn’t covered by this document, and we’ll update it if we believe the question and answer would benefit other residents.
If you want to move out
These are incredibly worrying times, and we do understand why students may wish to move out of their accommodation to study online in their family home. Equally this may not be an option for others. This is your home and it remains open for you.
As a result of these unprecedented circumstances, we have made an exception to our normal cancellation policy to credit you the rent payment from 1 May onwards if you choose to move out of your Student Roost accommodation.
If you have already moved out of your room, or plan to move out over the next month, we will not charge you any rent from 1 May 2020 onwards.
We may need to amend the billing profile on your account to reflect this, however:
if you are one of our residents who pay termly for their accommodation (because of our policy of not charging rent until residents have received their student loans), this means you will only have to pay any amounts outstanding for the period to 30 April (inclusive) by 1 May;
If you pay monthly, your final payment should be in April;
If you have already paid in full for the whole year, we will make arrangements to reimburse you for the period from 1 May onwards.
What you need to do if you have moved, or plan to move home
In return for being credited the rent payment from 1 May, you will need to:
Complete the request form on this link by 13 April to indicate that you wish to move out early
ensure that you are up-to-date with your rent payments up to and including 30 April
confirm that you will have moved out by 1 May, although we appreciate you may not be able to or wish to collect your possessions until the government advice on social distancing changes
If you have already contacted us at, we will send you the link to the form directly.
The request form will ask you for more information, including whether you have moved out completely, or if you have belongings in your flat which you still need to collect, or be returned to you before the end of your tenancy. If you have any questions about the early release of your tenancy, please email
We are applying the same criteria to all residents who have booked with us directly, and will be responding individually to each of you. Because of this and as we are aware that a large number of you have already moved home, we apologise in advance for any delays. Please bear with us, we will respond to your query as soon as we can and as long as you meet the criteria above and have contacted us by 13 April, you will not be charged rent from 1 May.
If we do not hear from you by Monday 13 April, we will assume that you are continuing to live with us.
For future bookings for September 2020, please refer to the terms in your booking, or the Cancellation Policy.
Continuing to stay in your flat?
Our residents who wish to stay living with us remain enrolled with their university and therefore can continue to live in their student homes, where they can access high-speed broadband and 24/7 support from our team members.
We are continuing to follow any and all NHS and government advice on COVID-19, including hygiene and social distancing.
We appreciate that you may have questions about COVID-19 and your tenancy agreement. Please check our Frequently Asked Questions ‘flipping book’ document, or email us at
What are the best sources of information?
We turn to the following sites and organisations for guidance and advice:
NHS website
Public Health England (PHE)(NB: there are separate bodies for the devolved authorities, but PHE is the lead agency for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) travel advice